Fat Transfer (body)

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

Woman's mid-section marked up for fat transfer locations.   Dr. Zarrabi.

A fat transfer is a procedure that utilizes a patient’s own fat to enhance body contours. This can fill in existing contour irregularities, or add volume to areas like the buttocks or breasts. Excess fat is extracted from one area of the body (typically the abdomen, thighs, or flanks) via liposuction and is then purified before it is reinjected  into the desired area to create a smooth, natural look and feel.

When choosing a surgeon for fat transfer, it is vital to select a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in body contouring procedures, like Dr. Michael Zarrabi. Dr. Zarrabi treats patients in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and beyond. Furthermore, he has extensive experience in body contouring procedures, including fat transfers. Dr. Zarrabi would be delighted to discuss your goals and expectations with you during an initial consultation to determine the right procedure for you. Are you ready to find out how fat transfer can put all the right curves in all the right places? Call (310) 584-9990 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zarrabi, or fill out our form to get started.

About Fat Transfer

We all have an idealized image in our minds of what we wish our bodies looked like—but for some, this image can feel impossible to achieve. Fat transfer is a great solution for those looking to improve their body contours without using synthetic implants or filler materials. Fat grafting is a technique that was first used to fix birth defects and severe wounds resulting from traumatic injuries. The procedure was proposed in 1893 as an alternative to complex surgeries that often resulted in the loss of soft tissue. [1] 

There are many reasons why someone might choose fat transfer for the body:

  • Improve body contours, such as increasing the size of the buttocks or filling in sagging or deflated skin
  • Lift sunken areas of the skin (after liposuction deformities or scarring)
  • Restore volume and fullness to areas of fat loss, such as due to aging, or after pregnancy or weight loss
  • Add volume to areas like the breasts without using synthetic implants
  • Correct asymmetry 
  • Add definition or sculpt more shapely body parts
  • Improve confidence and boost self-esteem

Fat transfer can be used in combination with other body contouring procedures, such as a tummy tuck or liposuction to create an overall aesthetic effect that looks and feels natural. If you’re ready to find out how fat transfer can help you achieve your desired body shape, contact us today!

Fat Transfer Benefits

As we age, some of us may lose the youthful body contours with which we were born. Breasts and buttocks can sag, and they lose volume and definition over time. These less desirable changes can become more noticeable with each passing year.

Dr. Zarrabi’s technique will bring you long-lasting, significant results to correct any undesirable contour issues. Whether it’s an issue you were born with, like dips in your hips, or a flat butt, or whether you’re looking to restore volume to breasts or correct contour issues that are congenital, or caused by aging, injury, or previous surgery, fat injections can create stunning results. The benefits are clear:

Natural-Looking Results

Fat transfer utilizes your own body’s fat to create subtle, natural-looking improvements that will blend seamlessly with your existing contours.

Low Risk of Complications

Fat transfer is a relatively low-risk procedure and because the own patient’s fat is used, there is no risk of rejection. [2] Compared to synthetic implants or fillers, fat transfer is much less likely to cause adverse reactions. 

Long-Lasting Results

One of the great benefits of fat transfer is that the results last longer than other body contouring procedures; this means that you can enjoy your new look and feel for years to come!

Minimal Recovery Time

The recovery time following fat transfer is typically quite short and patients can often return to their regular activities within a week or two.

Two Procedures in One

Fat transfer is essentially two procedures in one—it removes unwanted fat from one area and transfers it to another, which eliminates the need for multiple surgeries and can often create a more dramatic effect, as well as save time and money.


Fat grafts not only act as a natural volume-booster, but they also show regenerative potential because fat tissue contains naturally-occurring stem cells. [3] This leads to the production of new, healthy cells in the treatment area, which can mean younger, firmer-looking skin.

Are you interested in learning more about how fat transfer can help you achieve the body of your dreams? Contact us today! We will be happy to discuss your goals and expectations with you during an initial consultation so that we can create a personalized treatment plan just for you.

Ideal Candidates for Fat Transfer

Ideal candidates for fat transfer are those who have good skin tone and elasticity, as it will help to ensure a successful result. When the skin is too loose, Dr. Zarrabi may recommend a combination of fat transfer and skin tightening procedures in order to achieve the desired outcome. No matter what your end goals are, Dr. Zarrabi and his team will work with you to create a body you love. We understand that everyone is different and so we strive to customize each procedure for each individual patient’s needs.

When it comes to body contouring procedures, we want you to feel confident and comfortable with your decision. Every patient must complete a consultation with Dr. Zarrabi prior to their procedure so that he can determine the best approach for their individual needs.

If you would like to learn more about fat transfer and how it can help you achieve your body contouring goals, contact us today! Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and provide the highest level of care throughout every step of your journey.

Personal Consultation

During your consultation, Dr. Zarrrabi will discuss the procedure, review the results of past surgeries with you, and answer any questions or concerns that you may have about the surgery. It is also important to discuss any medical conditions or allergies that you may have as these can affect the safety and outcome of your procedure.

Once he has determined that fat transfer is a good fit for you, Dr. Zarrabi can explain the details of the procedure and provide you with information regarding recovery and any potential complications. You are also welcome to bring up concerns that Dr. Zarrabi can address with his other procedures or treatments. Your complete satisfaction is our only concern and so we want you to feel welcome openly communicating with Dr. Zarrabi and his staff. Contact us today to get started. Call (310) 584-9990 or fill out our contact form.

Preparing For Fat Transfer Surgery

To prepare for this surgery, you:

  • Cannot smoke cigarettes. Smoking lengthens the healing process and augments the chances of having problems during or after surgery.
  • Must not have any circulation problems.
  • Must not have any systemic diseases such as diabetes or bleeding disorders.
  • Be at a stable weight
  • Should eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly prior to surgery in order to promote an optimal healing environment.
  • Should stop taking any blood thinning medications before the procedure.
  • Must plan for someone to drive you home and stay with you overnight when you return home.

We understand that this decision can be intimidating, and we’re here to help you! Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about fat transfer for the body. We look forward to helping you achieve your desired results!

The Steps of Fat Transfer Surgery

On the day of your surgery, make sure you arrive on time for your appointment and that you are wearing comfortable clothing that you can easily change back into after surgery. During the procedure, we will ensure your comfort as fat is removed from one area of the body and injected into another. The entire process typically takes about two hours, though it can vary depending on your unique situation. You’ll be administered the appropriate anesthesia. Fat transfers are performed under general anesthesia, or with local anesthesia and sedation, depending on the length and extent of the procedure.

Here are the steps for fat transfer surgery:

Step 1: Harvesting the Fat for Transfer

The site(s) for harvesting (fat removal) will have been decided upon in advance by you and Dr. Zarrabi. First, Dr. Zarrabi will inject a local anesthetic into this region, before making a small incision in the area where the fat needs to be removed. The incision will be imperceptible once healed. Dr. Zarrabi will insert a cannula (hollow needle) in the incision, which he will manipulate to carefully suction fat out from your body.

Step 2: Purifying the Fat for Transfer

Once Dr. Zarrabi has obtained enough fat from the donor area, his staff will process it and prepare it for transfer. To cleanse the fat cells, we use a filtration process to remove any impurities.

Step 3: Transferring the Fat

Dr. Zarrabi will first clean and numb the area before inserting the cannula into the incision point of the site to be augmented. As the cannula systematically enters and exits the area being augmented, it creates strategic deposits of fatty tissue. The process will continue until the desired results are reached, creating a grid of grafted fat. Once complete, a dressing or bandage will be placed over the grafted area(s).

Recovery After Fat Transfer Surgery

After your fat transfer procedure, it is normal to experience some bruising and swelling. You may also have minor discomfort that can be managed with prescribed pain medications. We will provide you with detailed instructions on the best way to care for yourself after surgery, including how to care for the incision sites and when to schedule your follow-up appointments.

The recovery time for fat transfer is relatively fast, with most patients being able to resume their normal activities within a week. Remember that your recovery time will vary depending on how much fat is removed and the number of liposuction sites. Furthermore, patients in good health tend to heal faster than those with underlying medical conditions.

Follow-Up Appointments

It is important to follow up with Dr. Zarrabi after surgery in order to monitor your recovery. During this follow-up appointment, he will check the incision sites and ensure that you are healing properly without complications.

What are the Results of Fat Grafting for the Body?

The results of fat transfer in the body can be seen immediately after surgery and will continue to improve as the swelling subsides. When healing is complete, you will see the natural-looking results of your fat transfer and be able to enjoy a more contoured body. The results of fat transfer can be long-lasting, though some patients may need to repeat the procedure in order to achieve their desired results.

It is important to follow Dr. Zarrabi’s instructions regarding any lifestyle changes that may be recommended following your surgery, such as maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise.

What is the Cost of Fat Transfer in Beverly Hills?

The cost of fat transfer in Los Angeles may vary, depending on the amount of fat that needs to be removed and transferred, as well as other factors such as the type of anesthesia used. During your initial consultation with Dr. Zarrabi, he will discuss pricing and other related costs. You will also be made aware of any financing options that may be available to you.

To get an estimate of the cost of your procedure, contact us today! Call (310) 584-9990 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zarrabi, or fill out our form to get started.


  1. Billings E, May JW. Historical Review and Present Status of Free Fat Graft Autotransplantation in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1989;83(2):368-381. doi:10.1097/00006534-198902000-00033
  2. Gutowski, Karol A. M.D. ASPS Fat Graft Task Force. Current Applications and Safety of Autologous Fat Grafts: A Report of the ASPS Fat Graft Task Force. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: July 2009 – Volume 124 – Issue 1 – p 272-280 doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181a09506
  3. Simonacci F, Bertozzi N, Grieco MP, Grignaffini E, Raposio E. Procedure, applications, and outcomes of autologous fat grafting. Annals of Medicine and Surgery. 2017;20:49-60. doi:10.1016/j.amsu.2017.06.059